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Credit for luxuries
Standard of living is constantly increasing, increasing, and the level of claims from citizens. Many people want to buy a car in addition to boats.

The easiest way to get a loan to buy a simple plastic or inflatable boats, the conditions of the credit program is quite lucrative.

The maximum loan amount for purchase of boats 15,000 hryvnia, the loan term is quite small, ranging from one year to three. But no need to make an initial payment, and there is no fee for early repayment.

However, if you want to buy something more respectable, then you have to make the difference between the cost of the boat and the amount of the loan.

If you decide to go further and purchase a sailing yacht, get a loan will be even harder. All loan conditions (time, rate, down payment) will depend on the selected boat. You must have opened a deposit account, and even better to have a guarantee of a legal entity.

Some financial institutions still make loans on boats of various types (jet, yacht, new and used), the maximum loan amount is $ 50 000, but the initial payment must be by 30 per cent for the purchase of watercraft and up to 50 percent buy a yacht. Timing is also quite small, if the cost of watercraft to pay over three years is still possible, then repay the loan on the boat for five years is problematic.

If you arrange the loan for the purchase of the PTS were in use, the term of the loan decreases according to "age", up to two years in the watercraft and up to three years on a yacht. Just increasing the amount of down payment on the jet used to 40-50 per cent.

All these loans are only secured by boats. That is, you have to take out insurance for the full hull, liability, and the bank may require to insure the owner and the entire crew. All these items are significant.

So what to do to get the amount for the purchase of boats? There is a way to get a consumer loan secured by their own property or deposit. Then of course also has its own nuances, it will be necessary to assess and insure the property, but can apply to any bank, since all banks offering consumer loans.

These are the conditions for obtaining loans for Ukraine. In Russia, the terms of the loan for the purchase of the PTS are somewhat different. Credit may issue for five years, the maximum amount to 250 thousand dollars. The initial payment is 30 percent of the cost if the loan amount is 100 thousand dollars if the amount is higher, then the fee should be 50 percent. Interest rates on these loans when the amount of 11-12 percent down payment 50 percent of the boats, 13-14 percent for payment 30 - 50 percent of the cost.

Summarizing, we can conclude that the lending boats do not quite common phenomenon in post-Soviet space. In Western countries, this phenomenon is widespread, and lending conditions are very favorable: The interest rate on the loan 6 - 6, 5 per cent, the period of loan disbursement up to 20 years. Yes, and the maximum loan amount quite substantial.

This is because the practice of purchasing consumer items need a loan from us is not widespread, many people prefer to save money to buy or borrow from friends money. Therefore, the low demand for such loans and a small selection of boats on the market, leads to the fact that the proposals from financial institutions are not so great.

Demand creates supply, it is known to all, as the demand for such loans, will increase the number of offers from banks.

If we consider lending in the U.S., then the loan amount 15 thousand dollars, the payment is due five years and the rate on the loan 14 percent, the monthly payment on the loan amount to just $ 425. Such conditions can not afford any member of the middle class.

While credit conditions in our country make a purchase yachts elusive dream for the average citizen, and the presence of yachts from the citizen in our country indicates clearly to belong to a class higher than the average.

Category: General information about loans | Added by: Marina (24.02.2011)
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