Interest rates on the interbank market jumped to the level of forty per cent per annum for overnight loans. Commercial banks have found themselves without resources, as major lenders refused to share with them. If this trend continues, they will become bankrupt. Ministry of Finance and National Bank have long been fighting inflation by reducing the amount of money in the country. In this regard, significantly increased the demand for resources from small banks. This also affected the increase in rates on loans up to 40% per annum. Although the major market participants are not profitable, they still cut the limits for their counterparties. Risk of losing the borrowed funds is higher than the desire to earn. Therefore, today the most pressing issue
at the board meeting of the National Bank will be the liquidity support
of banks, reducing the pressure on lending institutions. Many experts believe that the government has gone too far in its attempts to fight inflation. To make matters worse, and that bankers perceive the rise in interest rates as temporary spikes. In fact, there are no prerequisites to a change in trend. The National Bank has already raised interest rates to a level of 12%. This
will lead to the fact that smaller banks will be forced to sell part of
its assets, which for them is not the best solution. This is especially true for those organizations who have nothing to sell. In the short term, Ukraine is waiting for the crisis of small and medium-sized banks. Their income will decrease due to the growth of interbank interest rates. Krupnye kreditory srazu zhe prochuvstvuyut u kogo iz
ih kontragentov voznikli problemy s podderzhaniem likvidnosti, a
znachit, dlya takih bankov limity po refinansirovaniyu budut esche
bolshe urezany, chto ih esche silnee ogranichit. At high growth rates, inflation, these banks can not use borrowed
resources of the National Bank, whose value depends on the level of
inflation. Termination of buying foreign currency on the interbank market by the NBU can lead to bankruptcy of some of them. The National Bank are well aware of this situation, but it is assumed
that it was necessary to advance to change methods of work. When the discount rate rises, it means that now is not the time to increase your market, you need to strengthen its liquidity. Unfortunately, many do not. The Board of the National Bank assured that their part they will do
everything possible to prevent the bankruptcy of commercial banks. In support of this statement NBU offers 1,2 billion hryvnia in the year as a contingent resource. But also by banks must come adequate measures to strengthen its liquidity. To do this, qualitative risk assessment.