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The United States may be deprived of being awarded the credit rating of "AAA." If the growth of public debt will not be stopped, the rating would be downgraded. Standard & Poor's и Moody's The Wal Street Journal. This decision was announced by representatives of international rating agencies Standard & Poor's and Moody's in an interview The Wal Street Journal. Specialists of rating agencies noted that while prospects for sovereign debt of the United States are assessed as stable. But if nothing is done to improve the situation, the forecasts may be changed to negative. Leadership of the United States said in their report that the economy is emerging from crisis. But international experts are watching the growth of employment in the country. This is a wake-up call because it can negate all government efforts to stabilize the economy in the U.S.. Against this background of problems and the intention of Congress to raise the ceiling for possible public debt, the United States of America may well lose its highest credit rating in the next couple of years. Now the size of U.S. government debt under the law can not exceed 14.3 trillion dollars.