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Main » 2010 » December » 17 » How can I save on buying a policy Hull

How can I save on buying a policy Hull
Insurers have begun to market a variety of "optional" programs Hull. Buying such a policy, the customer can save between 20 to 60%, without risking to insure a "half dead" of the insurer, payment of which he does not get in any case.
CASCO - one of the few types of insurance, under which the amount of insurance charges will continue to decline even after the crisis. Because of this, insurers have begun to actively market the "optional" programs Hull. Buying such a policy, the customer can save between 20 to 60%, without risking to insure a "half dead" of the insurer, payment of which he is unlikely to get in anyway.

Half price

Strahovanie Samym common option like auto insurance is a program that can be called "hull insurance for half the price." Its principle is the following: the customer pays for only half of the policy premiums, and the rest of it pays for insurance for the first event to get paid. For example, if the standard annual fee for the hull is 7 thousand UAH., Then the "Casco at half price" offer customers pay 3.5 ths. And another 4 thousand it has to be made, when accidents happen. "If it was not an insured event, the insurance for half the price will be much cheaper than usual, as if the accident has caused great expense, you can pay the second half of the prize and get paid a whole", - explains Head of Underwriting Insurance Company "NOVA" Eugene Trandafilov.

It is noteworthy, but the "hull for half price" advantage and insurers. The fact that customers who have damaged cars insignificant, they are unlikely to pay extra insurer second half of the premiums for hull insurance to eventually pay for a cheap repair his car. For example, if the second part of the payment Hull will be 4 thousand UAH. And the insured event has caused much damage the car (up to 4 ths.), Then the customer is cheaper to pay for repairs yourself than go for the payoff. Given that small insurance events, up to 3-4 ths. Constitute a third of all payments on Hull, as a result the insurer will still save on payments.

Such a program has many major players in this market - the insurance companies "Asuka", "Alfa Insurance", "Nova." Some insurers offer to buy cheaper policies Hull standard of 50% and even 60% - for 3-3,5 thousand UAH. However, such policies - "mini-helmets - are sold, usually in the appendage to the insurance OSAGO. "We not only cover the damage suffered in the accident, because our client has a policy of compulsory motor TPL insurance. We will pay you and to your client under the policy of Hull. In this case, the sum insured does not depend on the price of auto customer, and to limit liability under the compulsory motor TPL insurance. Today it is 50 ths. "- Says the deputy director of the company" Asuka "Elena Ma'shar. True, it should be noted that the payment in this case will be made only if the accident involved two sides. This clause allows the company to get its benefit. "Accidents with two participants, according to statistics, less than 70% of the insured events. And with the tightening of liability for improper driving them is getting smaller. As a result, insurers save for small payments, such as a scratch in the yard or a tree falling on a car "- explains Ma'shar.

For aces
Up to 20% can save on their helmets, buying a policy, designed for experienced drivers with experience of 10 years. These discounts are offered by many companies and some insurers have gone even further - an inexpensive CASCO they offer not only an experienced driver, but also their "inexperienced" to family members. "There is a program where the main driver in the hull policy fits into a driver with experience of over 10 years. But insurance will apply even if temporarily behind the wheel of the insured car got an inexperienced driver. For example, the son of the owner of the policy Hull. In this case, the policy remains in effect, just turn the franchise for at least 3 thousand UAH. ", - Says head of sales INGO Ukraine Olga Ivancova.
That is, getting into an accident experienced driver on the insured car - he would be paid the full amount, and if the same car in an accident gets a novice - payment will be lower by several thousand hryvnia. This program will benefit those customers who have large families. No need to buy multiple policies. И страховщики не в накладе. And insurers are not loser. Police then one, and payments - is different.

For experienced drivers are designed and other "low cost" policies of Hull. "The customer pays 75% of the annual policy Hull. In this case, the first 9 months of driving without accidents guarantee him getting another 3 months of insurance as a gift. The result is 12 months for the price of nine. If the insured event occurred during the 9 months, the client receives the payment, but the contract is valid only 9 months. Such insurance is attractive and confident drivers ", - says head of marketing UK Retail Olga Drobysheva
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